noob valve spring question

Did you measure installed height? It's pretty critical.

Yeah, I tried but I was having a hard time getting a consistent number. I've since learned that a caliper isn't the right too for that. I found the micrometers made for the job aren't that expensive, so I'll order one. I'll go back and take everything apart and check and check them properly so I know what the actual numbers are.

For what it's worth, I did write down the measurements I came up with, but after looking at them after the fact I’m sure there are at least a few erroneous readings. I put them into a spreadsheet and calculated the change from the installed height with the stock retainers to the Comp Cams retainers. Looking at that, the numbers for cylinder 1 and 8 intakes definitely look wrong.

So I'll be redoing that. When I order the mic I'll get a pack of 0.030 and 0.015 shims so I have them on hand should I need them.