Anyone know Holley Commander 950's? programming?

WOW!!! That was a couple years back!!! I don't even remember what I did for a cable, Bill may have made one. "No big deal." Back in the 90's I had to screw with a fair amount of serial stuff. Programming radios, paging encoders, telco devices, there was always something. "Procomm" is one program I remember, both MS-DOS and Whinehozed. I still have some old laptops, not fired up for years. MSDOS, W3X and W98, with various radio programming. Old GE MLS, some Motorola, Kenwood, and Icom. I used to have a small ham "remote base" on UHF crossed to 2M and HF. HF was a freq agile Icom IC-735 It all was a PITA. I don't even recall what the interface box was called.