Other Hobbies that Take Our Money

Fantastic! A lot of railroad modelers here. If suspect at least one of you also like die-cast cars?

I love me some antiques too. I'm trying to start my collection of various vintage advertisement, but it's expensive and rampant with fakes. Tricky hobby!

That’s a nice collection. I see a F2 in there. I have a couple of those myself. Also have some old large format lenses along with some other odds and end that were my dads. I used to do a lot of B&W stuff at home and in school from a youngster through high school.

I love my F2. One of the few cameras I paid retail for. I've been shooting digital Nikons (I have a d7200 now) but my F2 is bulletproof. I haven't gotten into large format yet, one day I will though.

Trap shooting and steel target shooting.

Man I miss going trap shooting. I used to live in Southern Nevada where we could go out on one of the many dirt roads and be undisturbed. I need to find a place up in the PNW. So much fun!