Man, has no hope

My daughter gives her kids time-outs for doingchit, that a back-hander would be a hundred times better at curing. Fix it the first time and yer done. It worked on mine and it worked on me and I'm betting it worked on my Dad too.
Spare the rod and spoil the child.
I dread every second weekend, when they show up on Friday morning and don't leave until Sunday afternoon/suppertime. I am just wasted.
Is man kind, really this stupid ? Stupidity, that you feel a need to express to others ? Lord, save us all. How did mankind get this far ? Just one little example. It’s all over the place. Lol !

I'm thinking of getting a bumper-sticker, something like;
"my grandkids are spoiled little hellions;
I wish they'd just stay away.
I'll come over to your house every once in a long while,
if I miss you, unless
I die first.
I need a time-out."
there ya go.