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Pad/SiloCommentsAUGUnknownMinuteman III---ICBM test launch. Vehicle will probably send an unarmed warhead on a ballistic trajectory to the central Pacific. This launch was publicly announced APR 30 in a 20th Air Force News release
OCT 14?UnknownFirefly AlphaSLC-2WFirefly Alpha first flight. Vehicle will carry multiple payloads into orbitOCT-
DECUnknownDelta IV HeavySLC-6The vehicle will carry the classified NROL-82 payload into orbit for the U.S. National Reconnaissance Office
NOVUnknownFalcon 9SLC-4EVehicle will launch the Sentinel 6A (Jason-CS) sea level measuring satelliteNOV 30?
UnknownFalcon 9SLC-4EVehicle will launch the SmallSat Rideshare Mission 1DEC 31?
UnknownFalcon 9SLC-4EVehicle will launch the WorldView Legion 1 and Legion 2 satellites into orbitJAN 13
UnknownAtlas VSLC-3Vehicle will launch the Landsat 9 earth observation satellite
As usual the schedule is pretty vague. That Delta IV, I need to find a good observation point. I spent 3 years at SLC6 and I want to know it worked at least once :lol: