Any one interested in the oiling mods I did?

I agree because you keep missing the point. Jmho

You do not use the crossover when you tube the block. The crossover is for when you use hydraulic lifters.
The tube is for when you use solids.

I have found that having yr on ignore makes thing better because I don't value anything he sez.

Not missing the point at all. For every person who advocates oil system modifications, there's a different set of explanations and justifications. When they get into the physics of it, I just don't buy the simplified versions and am digging deeper is all. We also discussed the fact that getting oil to the drivers side galley has to do with hydraulics.. So no, that wasn't missed either.

This site is full of a ton of people who repeat fifth hand "my uncle told me" type crap or "buy this book and you can run 9s with a stock shortblock" BS. I left the site for years because of it. @yellow rose may be abrasive, and rarely does he dish the really good technical info, but his ramblings often lead to a ton of really cool information and racing knowledge and he's probably the only reason I really come around to the site frequently. Maybe that makes me nuts, I dunno, but I do like finding more info than "Mopar performance said so, and so it shall be" and chasing tidbits of what he says has lead me to some really neat findings. I also don't blame him for not simply giving up the goods, the same way class racers don't give up cam secrets - they paid for the knowledge, no one else deserves it by virtue.

This topic and the other on crossovers has lead me back to some of my old texts and studies on fluids, and so has been a great discussion I think.