Proform 850 dialing it in closer

I would love to have a REAL data logger.

I decided this race i was going to just race. push recording button before every run and just race.
And read all the data logs at home the next day.........
first two run couldn't get it to record.......Missing memory chip:BangHead:
Install chip and record next run....... put it in my computer.....corrupt, cant read........Install new memory card and make another run. come back and read it, it works, save to computer. Install back in LM2 and just hit record after each run and stop before shutting of eng.
did this the rest of the day.
only date i got was the one i saved and there was only rpm and tps reading....... Fng p.o.s

I think i'm going to take a sledge hammer to this p.o.s and MAIL IT BACK TO THEM!!!!!!
na not really, but it sure make me feel that way.

As far as the race went, out in the semi finals. hard to win when you eat a hole peanut butter and jelly sanmich before reacting to the light .178 reaction time to his .048. dialed a 7.91 and ran a 7.909 No excuses.....That's racing!!!!!:D
High 8s to low 9 thousand foot adj Elevation today. no one making record runs today.