HELP I need a reliable used car

If you "junk" your VW, you will have a guaranteed loss of $12K, minus a few bucks for junk value. If you put 6K into it, you'll have a driveable vehicle back and not have to buy another vehicle. All bets are off if you'd have to go another 6K into debt for the repair. I personally would have a really hard time with a 12k debt to pay off on a non-existent vehicle. You at least know the overall condition of your current VW. I mean even a grampa’s 90’s Toyota with close to 300K miles on it is getting to be a gamble.

Of course, this is all assuming you’d actually pay your debts as opposed to defaulting on your car note.

I have considered these options you mentioned. I brought the car to Volkswagen about a week and a half ago. They know the history of the car and the guy that I’ve worked with for a long time is helping. I actually have not heard anything from them since I dropped it off. He said he would reach out to a couple different departments at Volkswagen to see if they would do anything or help or even pay for the whole thing. I called last Wednesday left a message and asked for an update if he had anything. I didn’t hear back. I’m hoping they end up covering everything and fixing the car. If they do I may just look at selling it. I don’t want to have to deal with another expensive breakdown. Although, I did look up the value of the car right now and it’s only like $6000. When I bought the car a couple years ago it was 12,000 however due to my own fault I still had some money to pay off on another car so that is what I’ve been paying off over the last couple years. Lesson learned, and pretty late in life, I just need to be more careful with my purchases thet put me in debt versus being able to pay cash.