Mirror Delete Plate Gasket?

That is wicked cool. thanks for the underside picture. I've never seen those before again thank you.
I forget the U.S. is the not the only place these cars were sold - sorry for my narrow minded view.
I again would assume the standard mirror gasket would work- or a closed cell black foam like 1/8" or 3.175mm thick-ish.
Trim to fit a slightly larger than base of plate for a proper look.

No problem Syleng1...
Standard gasket is quite a bit larger and I´m picky with my build. So would be interesting to find out about this.
As for the ´68 SS Hemi A-Bodies, they had a door skin half the size thickness of a production skin. I believe hole was stamped rather than drilled. So in this case plate had to be used. Why a skin with no hole wasn´t used I have no idea.

See if someone else has something to add...
20200720 MDP compare.jpg