Last one to post in this thread wins!

Got into it with our cable supplier today. My contract ends Aug 20th. They informed me they won't be using cable anymore and going to this Flex package. So this means both my PVR's will become extinct and we'll be getting less channels for 40 bucks a month more. What a deal, I can hardly wait. It's basically a Monopoly between the two companies we have here in Canada. Rogers (the one I have) and Bell. Between the two they have bought up all the other companies (so I've been told) so they have you by the short and curlies. Not a happy camper
I here ya Mark it's all about money as far as I see and not liking it. I have the basic $100 a month for all you can eat internet and a few channels I never use and a house phone that I never use because everything is long distance and adds more on the bill. I basically use my internet to search for parts for the scamp check out what is happening in the world and watch U tube now and then and the best part and the reason I keep my internet is to talk to all you guys and at this point would shut it down but I really like all my friends here and glad you put up with me.