426 stroker dropped in scamp

Listen, In case you couldn't figure it out, I'm busting balls. I have no real interest in any of what you do so lighten up, Francis.

Honestly, I can guarantee there would be way less skepticism coming your way if you responded in a straight manner. Are you making money racing on the street? If so, then why would you be putting any of this out there to begin with? If that's not the case then there's really nothing to hide so perhaps just try to provide a little more info and details to back up your claims. We'd love nothing more than to be proven wrong by facts and/or pictures of actual events.

Truth be told, I probably should not throw stones. I've had my Duster apart for 4-5 years and in storage for the last three and my '68 Coronet has been apart for two of the three years I've owned it. So anyone that has a running/driving car is in a better position than me.

But even so, I'm not claiming that my junk can do this or that when it seems clear yto anyone with half a brain (at least on the surface) that's a load of crap. In fact, when I built my 416", I posted the dyno sheets on another site so people could see it and try to help me figure out what could be improved. Some people that have commented here actually commented in that thread.

Frankly, it was somewhat disappointing since I was 100% sure it was going to make way more power than it did. Numbers don't lie, "stingy" dyno or not. It's a tool so I learned to not take it personally. Since then I've learned some things about what it takes for engines to make more power. None of that info would have registered anywhere with me had I not posted up my dyno sheet and allowed people who know more than me to comment on it and make suggestions, free of charge. Next time I will know what not to do and will be better off.


The one thing about being honest or at least backing up your claims with real data or time slips is that no one can say "you posted this on the internet but it's all bullshit talk, you can't back it up".

My 416" made 500.2 hp and 495 lb ft of torque. I'll let everyone know what it runs if there is still a drag strip within 200 miles of me operating next year.