426 stroker dropped in scamp

So you haven’t been on here a week and you’re pissy with guys calling you out?

Maybe you should check out. This place may not be for you. There is always Facebook. Or yellow bullet. You post something like what you did YB like you did here they will eat you alive.

There is NOTHING new under the sun. You ain’t the smartest guy on FABO. Not even in this thread. I can list some, in no particular order.

AndyF though he doesn’t post in this forum much
Replicar (that may not be quite right but it’s close and I’m HORRIBLE with names)
Mattax but he doesn’t post much here either, but he is a sharp cat
I can’t think of the guys name but it’s like BMsomething and he has been very quick on some stuff most guys couldn’t get into the 12’s.

That’s a small sample of the guys hanging out here. Everyone has some experience in one area or another and puts their opinions and experiences out there for the benefit of all.

Maybe you should rethink your position.

Or not.

Wow...you listed Jpar...and left me out....dam...sometimes i dont like you and now is one of them....lol