It's just a sight glass from an air compressor. I think I got it on amazon or something. I positioned it so that I know that when the oil level is in the center, I know that the counter weights of the crank are out of the oil level. The swinging pickup has a lot of surface area. I also like the newer design because the swivel joint is also in the oil so they cannot suck air. I wanted to make sure I have good oil pressure in the shutdown. Swinging pickup and the accumulator are insurance. I have a cable that I can reach when I am strapped in the seat to open and close the accumulator valve.
I think for a car that is only driven occasionally that a pre oil is a good idea. Safe neutral valve body to get off the rods as well.
And thanks to David Rehr I finally understand why safe neutral is a great idea. Oil timing is only correct when the rods are driving the crank. It is not correct when the crank is driving the rods, think about that.