Gerahead's 71 Dart

I have gotten one coat of high build on everything but the hood and valences. I only did one coat at this time so I could check to see how close to flat everything is to start with and make corrections as needed. I applied a guide coat and sanded it down. I was presently surprised at how straight and flat everything is at this point. There is something very gratifying about sanding through the guide coat and seeing a nice smooth surface and imagining the color coat on it! In case anyone is interested, I am using the Omni high build 2K primer. This stuff is a dream to work with! I sands quickly without gumming up the 180 paper I'm using. I have gone over every panel and marked the areas that need some additional filler and have started that application. The plan is that after this is done, I will do a multi-coat application of the high build and start working it for color. L8r
