Route 66 trip

Me and my oldest grandson started our route 66 trip on Friday. Drove 700 miles from sulphur Louisiana to Burbon Missouri. We are driving the Barracuda. We will travel to Tucumcari New Mexico then head home. Planning on stopping at different places along the way. 1st day visited small rt 66 museum then checked in to Munger Moss Motel. I will try to keep y'all posted on what we see and do.
Yesterday cuda rolled over to 100k miles. Well after that I noticed at a idle the amp gauge would discharge. In looking the positive post is loose. Scared to touch it so I picked one up a NAPA dealer and will replace it when it dies.
Here are some pics.
I'll Post more tomorrowIMG_20200725_145738266.jpg IMG_20200725_145906752_HDR.jpg IMG_20200725_151920112.jpg IMG_20200725_162450381.jpg IMG_20200725_151804514.jpg IMG_20200725_145638417_HDR.jpg IMG_20200725_151916689.jpg