Some days you have it..... some you dont

Finally got out this season due to a number of unforseen issues. None car related.
Went 020 red in first round. Ouch
Bought back in.
Was 018 to his 057 and totally, dumbly hogged the stripe, broke out. Stupid, stupid.
So much for my first outing. 0 for 2 outings suck badly.
Nothing broke, had fun, so i guess it could be worse. Just great to get back in the car, season ended earlier last year because of hip surgery, so it had been a while.
Was 034 and trip zip in my two time trials, so i was overall pretty happy with the tree, just need to wake up at the finish line and pay attention. Foot braking.

note to guys just starting out racing. Never, ever trust the car to run the number and not lift when you have room at the stripe. Always tighten it up to your level of confidence.Always.
At least you guys are Raceing all events are shut down up here . Nothing ,natta nope ,I would love to red light , instead I just look at the car and dream .