68 GT convertible project

I've been looking at the Layson's rear interior panels since mine are pretty rough. I'm probably going to suck it up, open the wallet and buy new ones. My chrome moldings are pitted and reproductions are $100. I decided to make my own replacements.

I started by milling a piece of aluminum with a ball mill. That gave me the concave shape I needed. Not pretty but you have to start somewhere.

With the grooves machined, I cut the aluminum into strips and started sanding and sanding and sanding. Eventually, I got the pieces to the profile I needed and polished them. The finished product looks great. The only difference is that they are twice as thick as the originals. The originals are 1/8" thick at their thickest. Mine are 1/4". I need that extra thickness so I can drill/tap for mounting studs once I get the new panels.
