Best product for treating old vinyl

Your barracks story brought back some memories for me. I was stationed at Seymour Johnson AFB back in 72. Our barracks floors were all VCT, night before the weekly inspection we all got out our large cans of Johnson & Johnson paste wax. We would light them with our zippo's, once it turned to liquid we would pour all over the floor. To this day, I don't know how we didn't burn the place down. We power buffed the hell out of it, final buff was using someone's tee shirt under the buffer pad. Shined like glass. Your Pledge vs Barracks Chief was funny too!

It was funny to watch when the newbies first tried to use the buffer. The damn think took off on them as soon as the pulled the trigger and ran into everything including their buddies trying to assist. All you heard was yelling "LOOK OUT" as he lost control! Good times!

We ultimately ended up using that flaming paste wax ourselves. Funny how when something works, it's constantly being rediscovered. We did our final buff with a 2X2 piece of green wool blanket under the buffer wheel, would burnish that floor wax to said mirror finish. Why we had wool blankets in an equatorial tropical environment is beyond me, I never had to get under it. Swamp coolers only cool to about 20 under ambient temp, so....80?