DIY 14" SBP steel wheels

what made you decide on a 5 inch wide wheel?
i suppose you have a set of 225/70s kicking around?

now, here is the kicker...the minimum approved rim width for a 225 tire is 6 inches
so, even if you were to find a set of 14X5s you would need to have them widened an inch to be safe

so really, this is what you'd want
[SOLD] - 14x7 SBP steelies (2)

(the ad is marked for sale, but it could have been timed out, who knows, but like you said, shipping could be a deal breaker)

are you dead set on steelies?
Steelies is my first choice and as you know 14" SBP wheels there is not a lot of choices, rallyes, craigers or steel. The plan is body color wheel, dog dish caps.20181014_145832.jpg