Having too much fuel hurts more nitrous set ups than not enough. Not enough, especially at this level, they burp and quit. Too much fuel they hammer EVERYTHING.
My 2 cents. Get the car sorted out at the track with max MPH and KNOW where the AF ratio is. You want the same basic ratio when on the juice. If the plate has jets and hasn't been monkeyed with from factory orfices, the nitrous jet should not be smaller than the fuel jet. At worst the 2 should be equal and that usually results in a fat tune up based on most manufacturer recommended fuel pressures.
There are plenty of sites that can help with inputs desired HP, fuel pressure for n2o/fuel jet sizing for a cleaner tune.
Pulling 4* would be a plenty. May not even pull any. IMO, always start conservative and sneak back up on timing. Better to pull to much and add back than not enough and maybe hurt something. Ran some 75-100 units where timing ended up right back where we started.