Timing request 100 shot 360

Thx again. I would like to hear how your timing box works for you once you run it.
Well I've already seen it work on my timing light. you have to reset your timing when you put that box on because it automatically retard your timing by four or five degrees by connecting the box. So after I connected the box I had to reset my timing. And in order to test it I of course had the nitrous bottle turned off and did not turn on the fuel side. Then I used a jumper to bypass the low pressure switch and the window switch to just ground the system relay. At that point I had my wife in the car with the system armed and had her hold the button on the shifter. And then while holding my timing light on the timing stripe I clicked the full throttle switch and could see the timing drop four degrees. As 4 degrees is what I had it set on inside the car...