Pitfalls and Perspectives of "Hiring" a 27 year-old Young Lady

dang, im getting mentioned in old threads and never even knew it, till i just happened to open an old thread i never saw before

i wish i were 5 foot....not even with high heels....

well, i guess you're somewhat of a celebrity here

NBA Players from the Netherlands:

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hey, it say rick smith is from eindhoven, i went to college there
i wonder if i ever ran across him?
(of course, at only 7 4 he doesnt stick out too much above the rest of us...not like he would in a group of guatmalans)

funny story
of all my cousins, my sister is the oldest, and i am the second oldest of our generation
im 6 even
ALL of my guy cousins are taller then me, and HALF of my girl cousins are too

I've worked with Latinos that get really pissed to be called Mexican if they are Guatemalan, called Guatemalan when they are Mexican or any other thing.
It cracks me up that many get so bent out of shape about it.....Since most that I have worked with will call ANY Asian person a "Chino". Most Asians seem reasonably polite if you accidently mis-identify their race.