Electricly challenged...Help!
OK so kind of long story but it might help to start from the beginning . Rewired my 63 dart about 4 years ago and everything worked great. Developed a rod knock march this year pulled car in the drive way disconnected the battery moved starter out of the way amd pulled the thing out. Fast forward to today. Finally get everything hooked up connect the battery and nothing not even a click. Test battery 12.3v(not bad for sitting for almost 6 months). Jump starter studs motor spins like a bat out of hell,cool. No spark. Ive got battery to motor and battery to fender and motor to firewall grounds. I have no headlights no tail lights or radio.I got spark for a second car fired right up and was running until i killed it measing with the idle. After that no freaking spark again. My dome light works only when sitting,if i hit the brake pedal,dome light goes out. Turn headlights on,dome light goes out. Turn key to run amd acc,yep you guessed it dome light goes out. On top of it all i dropped my tester and broke it. So off to buy a new one tomorrow but i figured id get on here for some tips. Thanks. Sorry motor is a slant 6 with 4 pin hei conversion and american autowire power plus 13 kit.