Look up Paul Elam and Terrence Popp on Bitchute or youtube.
Look up Men Going Their Own Way. MGTOW. There is a large community of men who have gone through this bullshit.
Don't listen to a single word from any woman on this subject, you cannot trust them. In my experience, and on this subject they are a dishonorable bunch of grasping and lying harpies. They use children as a weapon to get what they want. This **** is enabled by the state and welfare.
The refrain, "But think of the children," is pure bullshit. Had they "Thought of the children," they would NOT abandon their husband because they were "dissatisfied and bored."
I don't tell my son much of what happened. Only that, "Mommy didn't love us anymore." He understands that after seeing her behavior at his maternal grandmother's funeral service.