Stop in for a cup of coffee

I have found a loophole in the Visa situation , for going to Viet Nam. Currently the VN Govt. is not issuing any tourist Visa's, and it is unknown when they will resume with those. An American can get a Business Visa, if he has an essential business job in VN. Enter...Teaching English. There is a Huge need for Western/American English teachers in, just about every City in Viet Nam.. They really want native English speaking people to teach there. But there is a caveat...One must have a teaching certificate to teach English, in just about every foreign country. After they see you have a TEFL certificate ( Teach English Foreign Language ) Your place of employment provides a work certification to the VN Govt. Still must do a 14 day Quarantine when you arrive, but I always stay at least 2 months. So...I signed on to a TEFL university online on Friday, so I can be certified. 120 hr course, but can be done much faster, if you stay at it. I think maybe 4 weeks or so. 20 units of instruction with a multi choice test at the end of each unit. Must have at least 75% score total on course. I already did 3 Units since Friday, and my running % is 83%..Still a long way to go, AND....I Aint been in School for a Very LONG time.....Since I obviously speak English ...AND Vietnamese, I hope this gives me a leg up on others looking to get to Viet Nam...
Good luck my friend!