Piston question

I feel like I have started something I didnt mean to. I'm just wanting to learn and do the best I can with what i got. I'm not gonna start changing my build plan to get a particular number in compression. I have to buy new pistons so I'm just trying to get the best ones in my price range for my combo.
Like I said in my previous post I'm gonna go to the machine shop and measure my heads and see how deep the chamber is from the head surface If its doable to run quench then I will if its not I wont I'm not worried about it as long as I'm not in that .060 range if I'm .100 .130 out then I'm gonna run it and not worry about it. Sorry to cause so much rifes with this thread I'm just trying to learn.

it's all good with me, buddy. I'm used to all their crap "do it this way or else" attitudes. Every build leaves power on the table. It's each individual's decision what they want to build. You and I have chatted enough that I know "just about" what you want. I like these type discussions. What I don't like is when some of these guys barge in telling members that what their doing won't run run worth crap unless they do "this this and this". You're not making any glaring mistakes. You're gonna have a great running engine and it's going to be really reliable. Keep on truckin brother!