Piston question

I think for the most part, people really want to help, but some get offended when their suggestions are not followed.

No one really knows another person's wants, needs, budget or time constraints.

I probably won't update my build thread until it is running. I stated in the beginning that some of the parts weren't great, but they are what I have. Am I leaving power on the table? Yes, a truckload! But, I bet it will run better than the worn out 318 did before it died.

I got a couple "Do it once, do it right" comments, but I personally have no problem swapping cams with the motor in the vehicle. Same goes with intakes and carbs. I just want the dang thing running again.

So, build it and have fun! That is why we do this.
I don't mind one bit if somebody doesn't follow one of my suggestions. I realize my way of doing things is severely budget limited. That doesn't appeal to everyone and I get that.

What gets to me is when the same three or four people keep beating a dead horse of quench, Jones cams and "all of that" as if there's no other way. That's just not true. Although he's been in business a while at 1975, there are a lot of cam companies who've done it a lot longer. Their ideas are not garbage. I'll use Crower for a great example. Their camshafts are a fine example of great technology. Iskenderian is another. Schneider as well. There's always more than one way to get it done. I don't like it when people act like there's only one way, because that couldn't be further from the truth.
What bugs me is when when I'm trying to solve one problem and you get that response just buy a new block or start over and do it this way. ( no offense to Aj) that bugs me. I have to buy new pistons regardless so if I can get in that quench range without spending 800 bucks on pistons and replacing the cam and rebalancing the cranks etc etc I'm game and I'm open to that I'm all about learning new things and thinking outside the box and if can get a set of hyper pistons in the 300 range to get me there or maybe a new headgasket I'm all for it. But I'm not gonna replace the block buy icon pistons and change my cam selection just so I can get quench. Its funny because I have seen it mentioned in many many threads and I have asked multiple times about it because I didnt understand it and ppl act like it's some top secret formula or something lol yr even said iv wrote pages and pages I'm not repeating myself again. :rolleyes: but after a quick Google search I found out it's pretty damn simple! It's just the distance from the chamber to the piston wtf is that so hard to explain ?