Jeep 4.0 in 69 Barracuda
OMG the lower control arms came out great. I am so much happier with the results. And they are actually mirror of each other. I wish this was the product which AJE Suspension had sold.
I will get some more pictures abit later, but just got home from picking these up and had to get a picture on the thread right away.
In short, you can see that the heim joint bung for both joints are parallel. Which is a far cry from the set I bought. Also one can notice the baja style plate to stiffen the control arm and give a better option for locating the shock mounting tabs. The shock mounting tabs for the left and right control arm are located in the same spot. And who can miss the Mopar Performance "M" cut out. What I have not gotten a picture of yet is the much larger lower heim joint over the set sold from AJE. It will still use the Mustang 2 lower ball joint as sold by AJE. The ones the kit cam with seem to be cheap, as such I may only use them for suspension mock up, then replace them for MOOG when the car is finished.
I am supper stoked.... :-) LOL
Can not wait to get them on the car. That will hopefully be this coming weekend.