Rough-idling 360, can't figure it out!

Yeah it's really nice now I can start moving into my new place lol. Thanks for all the help guys!

@George Jets that D100 is gorgeous, I'm not sure if I'd want mine that pretty since I use it a lot lol but I plan to keep it for a long time. Ultimate goal is a 12-valve Cummins diesel swap with a 6-speed manual (NV5600, G56 etc.) This is the first truck I've ever had, or anyone in my family even for that matter. You don't know how useful a 3/4-ton with an 8-foot bed is until you have one!

@66fyssh thanks for the tip, there is a local shop that specializes in classic Mopar parts I found just a couple weeks ago I'm going to give them a shot. If they don't have one (I'd be really surprised if they don't) I'll hit up @halifaxhops

Regarding the dist rotor, it doesn't look like it requires a special rotor but a regular replacement piece needs to be filed down a bit in some places to seat fully in the magnet wheel. I could make that Accel one work but the Pertronix rotor is in perfect shape. The Accel one did fit it was just a tad loose and didn't sit all the way down into the magnet wheel.