Stroker specific cams (Part 2) cam reveal

Thank You for your extensive research on this. I have been putting off getting a cam because of all the back & forth info that kept me 2nd guessing every decision. Your build is almost identical to mine, except I have A500/42RH, and going into a Dart. Currently I have a 3.23 rear gear, but I intend to change that to 3.73 or 3.91. My usage goals are identical as well. Looks like I will be giving Howard’s a call as they were already on my short list. Did you work with anyone in particular, or are they small enough that I’m gonna get the same person anyway?

Mike at B3 Racing ordered the cam for me after going through my specs with me. I would give him a call, and he may change things a little bit for your combination. You can tell him you want a cam close to the one he build for Jeff.