Big horsepower 318 builds

I have no problem with the ability of a 318 producing 500 HP. NA
But I believe it would be in the 7000 or so rpm range. Going to have to spin it.

I’m trying to get my head around why you think 7000 RPM is in the RPM stratosphere. It’s not. That is STREET/Strip RPM.

It’s not 1972 anymore.

And we have guys arguing that 500 HP in the dyno is useless, and others arguing that the engine in the article is some high dollar, exotic double and quadruple the cost of a stroker. That’s just stupid.

We have guys arguing that airflow isn’t everything (it’s not) but to swing the discussion over to the stupid limits of Stock, Super Stock and now this Factory Stock stuff is just pure mental masturbation.

No one with the IQ of a grape who isn’t building a SS legal engine would EVER pay to have a set of heads done like that. That is the definition of RETARDED.

Now we are just arguing for the sake of arguing, arguing about nonexistent numbers, and then backslapping each other and yourselves thinking you’ve made your point, when in reality, you’ve proved nothing.

You can’t build a 500 HP 318 that doesn’t spin to 10,000 RPM and have a set of 15k heads on it.

There, the argument is settled.