Brake dragging on passenger side,advice/help needed
ok so I cracked the bleeder a little fluid came out but no geyser,just kinda run out and didn't feel any different.What does seem to make it better is loosening the hold down hardware bolts not sure if that tells me something.I was using 180in pounds as a torque for those.I also took the pads out and installed the caliper and it was hard to push back and forth on the slides with the hold downs on so I put my brake grease on the areas where the hardware goes and it did improve without the pads in as far as moving the caliper.Went over the slide areas again this time with a flat file regreased/assy etc push pedal to bring piston out and same deal can barley turn rotor.Now even before i go to bring the piston back out it gets tighter as i tighten down the hardware trying to turn the rotor and then when i hit the pedal and come back to check its very hard to turn.Do these adapters go bad,bad casting on the caliper?? I assume not hydraulic as cracking the bleeder didn't really change anything.Only other thing I notice is with the pads off this "new" caliper when pulled to the outside on the slides can come off the top slide where the "old" caliper does not,can't see what stops this,it does not appear to be the piston,probably means nothing but it was an observation.
Any thoughts would be helpful