Stop in for a cup of coffee

A woman has a stroke and her husband rushes her to the hospital. After 3 hours of sitting in the waiting room the doctor approaches the man and tells him he has good news and bad news, which would he like first? The man says "go ahead and give me the bad news first." Your wife has had a major stroke which has affected her ability to speak. From now on she will only be able to grunt and make basic noises. She will need help eating and performing basic tasks like bathing. She will be bedridden and incontinent. You will have to feed her regularly and perform personal hygiene for her such as combing her hair and brushing her teeth. She will need around the clock care and supervision. The man was shocked and stood silent for a moment. After he regained his composure he asked the doctor,"what the hell is the good news?" The doctor smiled and said "I'm just messing with you, she died!":rofl: