Is this good Compression and Cam Specs In my 360 Engine?

you got lucky run it
Edelbrocker performer costs the least and sells for the most
performer is an oxymoron
but worth changing???
one thing to check is to see if it is degrees in correctly
ONCE you get spark advance and carb tuned
some advance that cam degrees which picks it up some but hurts mileage no free lunch
you could advance it 4 degrees and see if it makes any difference
if it does then get a cam 8 degrees shorter with more lift
I have no idea where that overlap came from cam card or measured I have all the specs on Edelbrock cam but they changed from single pattern to dual pattern so part number would help
you can check the .050 cam timing with a degree wheel and a dial indicator
check with me or slantsix64 or others before you do it