Stop in for a cup of coffee

Interesting you mention that. The weatheristas were mentioning yesterday that many of the extremely high temperatures from the last few days in numerous areas haven't been seen since somewhere in the 1920s.
Yep. It's also why I think we're in for some very rough years over the next decade.

In highschool, I had a teacher, Mr Lewis, hilarious teacher and there's few teachers who I can remember lectures from, he's one of them. His style was so different and abstract that it sticks. Anyway, we were studying the Grapes of Wrath and the Great Depression in which it is based. I remember him saying this one thing, over and over. "If history does in fact repeat itself and we find ourselves in another Great Depression, it will be far worse than the first as people are more urbanized and less self sufficient than they were leading up to the Great Depression". It wouldn't be until I started studying demographics years later that I figured out what he meant by that. Back in the late 1800s thru the 1920s, according to census data shows up to 90% of the population lived on a farm or raised/grew their own food. As of 2010, that percentage is down to just under 1%. so if we have some bad economic years and happen to have bad weather in the plains.... LOOK OUT