New tool addition

See about getting yourself a deadblow hammer. They put force on things well above their weight and dont peen the ends of things as easily

You can rinse your eyes with any potable liquid. water, the bottle of coke you were drinking, kids koolaid, vinegar, etc. some wont be pleasant, but they are safe and they are better than battery acid

I got battery acid in my eyes from a B 52 battery so bad one time , had to have the nurses wash them out at the base hosp. getting there with eyes burning and mostly closed was a ***** , tore down a guard fence during an ORI inspection , left the tractor I was driving , running , it ran into the hangar , washed under a big floor sink which didnt help , screamed up to the hosp. , only to wait on the nightshift to finish playing the hand of cards they were holding , took some kind of fluid to counteract the acid , talk about a migrain , the acid even got into my sinuses .