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I got the lock changed out... Finally...

One clip that has two plastic fingers that hold the lock linkage rod in had a broken finger, so I had to find another one... Dealer wanted to sell me a whole lock for $150... None of the parts stores have it... I finally found a local salvage yard that had one, but it took several calls to find one...

I went to the salvage yard and picked it up and now the door handle is installed with the new clip and a lock that is keyed to the ignition so I can lock the doors now... Otherwise if the doors were locked, I would have been locked out because the key didn't fit the door and no key fob... The drover door was replaced on the car before I got it and nobody changed the lock... If the driver door got locked closed while I was out of the car, I was screwed...

Classic example of something not going as easy as you think it would... :mad: :BangHead: