My Experience with TCI.

Sheldon, I always measure the converter hub b4 I pick which pump bushing to use. A Chevy bushing is wider and stabilizes the converter better. A few extra minutes can avoid a headache later on. There is a minimum and maximum measurement for everything. TCS machines everything to the middle of the specification. I found that out when I built my tranny. Paul had no time for me when I built my tranny. I even messaged Graham (trans man) cause he was a salesman for them for many year to see if he could get them to call me. Never happened. Absolutely no warranty on their parts if u have to machine it to fit. Not just on the machined part but everything u put in the tranny from them. I’ll never put another part of theirs in any of my trannys. If the converter was too long like u say i for sure would be checking the crank end play. The thrust bearing could be worn past spec. It doesn’t take much. Kim