Last one to post in this thread wins!

Gonna be a busy weekend here 3 of my boys are here and there girls are making Mexican food for dinner so I get out of cooking and cleaning.
Got another boy flying his plane in tomorrow and my oldest doughtier and a pile of grand kids will be here on Sunday. Life is good here and gonna take the old truck to the lake with the paddle boat and of coarse have a shaving cream fight on Sunday and BBQ some burgers. Wish you were all here I'd plaster your *** with a shaving cream pie...
I have 20 cans of shaving cream stored up for the last picnic this summer and your all invited.
Sure hope none of you run faster than me. LOL
Sounds really nice Fred. Nothing could be finer. I got a flatiron on the smoker. Trying one low and slow. Marinated it overnight.