I have been putting some miles on the new engine and addressing some issues. My voltage regulator went south and my voltage was just over 15volts driving around. Ended up overheating my coil. That caused some really interesting ignition problems. I replaced the voltage reg and mounted a new coil to the firewall ( removed it from the manifold) so far so good. However, I’m seriously considering swapping to a denso alternator In the near future. But have other checklist items before that... like, running new transmission cooler lines and fittings this weekend. Mine have been spliced, tweaked and banged on.. and like to leak.. I have all the parts that I should need to swap the lines out. Let’s see if I can avoid a blood bath of tranny fluid on my driveway! Also picked up couple of tuning tools. I bought a AEM widband and a draggy. Have already installed the wideband ( will probably move gauge location). It gives so much information, we did a couple of pulls to get an idea of how the af numbers are. Currently running little fat at cruise and wot. I have some jets coming. Didn’t really need the next “tool”. I bought a Dragy to give me sone real numbers to look at.