Stop in for a cup of coffee

Good Morning folks, evacuation orders have been lifted in the area. Still lots of smoke. Lot of folks lost everything, some even their lives. Sad for sure. On a different note, my son rear ended someone who then hit someone else. Totaling his car. He’s ok, but he/we only have liability on his car (due to poor choices and his driving record). The car is in my name and so was the insurance with him as a driver of it. This is going to hurt $$. Trying to see the good that least no one was hurt. Now he’ll have to get his own ride and insurance. Hope this will serve as a lesson to him. Rant over.... Everyone have a great day!

Glad the fires warnings have been taken down...

Sad about the people who lost everything and the ones that died....

Bummer about the kid getting in the accident without full insurance coverage...

My son was one ticket away from the insurance company dropping him once, and I made him park the hot rod for 3 years while his driving record cleaned up because the insurance company tried to mark up his insurance $3000 for 6 months.... He had to drive a slow *** daily driver for 3 years until he cleared up his driving record... He's doing much better now...