The sad story of the U.S.S. Indianapolis

My wife has a thing for Cage.
She says he's "dirty sexy".

The opening scene is prophetic.
"An enemy that is willing to die to kill us."
They lost a plane making that movie.
Seaplane Stuck During Nicholas Cage Film Shoot: Breaks Apart During Salvage :

I was disappointed.
In the remake something is missing.
IIRC the original movie with Stacy Keach has a scene where Leyte is notified they have a missing ship by Admiral Halsey in a phone call.
It may not be true, but it is a good scene.

Is shark week over yet?
View attachment 1715582246

And then we have "kangaroo courts".

There are LOTS of things missing and WRONG with the Cage remake. Like where they use the BB63 USS Missouri for the Cruiser Indianapolis. Even novices can see the difference.....I guess they didn't have any cruisers to use. I do admit, that cruiser did look similar to a battleship....on a smaller scale.