67-76 floor into a 65...

Got some more work done on the floor. Drivers side is the worst, lots of banging and smashing. Tried some "metal shaping" techniques I've read about or watched. Turns out at this point I'm not shaping it so much as abusing it. Still, it fits better than it did so that's a win. Passenger side, not nearly as difficult, will get tackled today.

I was originally thinking of continuing the surface of the tunnel in a "straight" plane extending from the new tunnel up to meet the firewall but that would put tunnel about three or 4 inches higher than it is now. My next option is to just make a simple extension to the existing firewall using a "level" plane from the edge of the new tunnel straight forward to the firewall and just trimming what overlaps the extension. I figure that might work since the transmission bell already fits so I'm not sure i need to increase it too much if any.

Hopefully my description isn't too vague, its early and we were up partying until 2am. Lol
