Just me whining

I knew that if I read far enough, my post would already be written for me.

What he said. :)

And that’s also 100% correct!

I played Mr. Mom with my daughter while I was working nights. Oh yea! She would put make up on me, have tea parties, everyday at the park for hours, and in between, McDonalds for lunch while I fixed the neighborhood cars. She knew 3 different carbs by the time she was 4, could fetch and know the difference between a 1/2 combo wrench and a 9/16 - 3/8 drive socket.

Now at 26, she owns her own home.

Similar deal with my son. Now collage bound, he wants to be a physical therapist. And that means eight years of college at a minimum. After that time frame and expense, I expect nothing to be done quick! LMAO, But will be worth it 100%! We are best buds. Although, he is not a car guy by any means. My daughter on the other hand, now that’s a girl that can turn wrenches.