Last one to post in this thread wins!

because A it doesnt work, and B it retarded
these are rules made by people who have zero, ZERO medical knowledge

i am not a conspiracy not, but this is just too stupid not to be a conspiracy

look up how deadly covid really is, its a case of the sniffles
"A" it does work and "B" it's been proven that it works. "C" it's not just the sniffles, god forbid you don't get it and coughing up foam out of your lungs and can't breathe without a machine hooked up to you and you being in a comatose state for 4-5 months. Then tell me it's not real. I don't know where you read the info you got but it's so far from the truth because people are dying like flies in your country. We had 105 confirmed viruses today and how many did the USA have die? But lets drop, it's becoming an argument again and not into it. Don't wear your mask but I know I will be.