what shifter are the stick people using

So it will not work with factory rods?

I like using the search function when doing research. Most of the answers we need have been addressed here at one point or another.
There's a few things I have to do to change from my regular Hurst shifter to my vertigate. The vertigate I just built my first second third fourth rods as they are straight and easy to make. The reverse Rod is the same on mine. Although I have to flip the ear over upside down on the reverse on the transmission for the vertigate. And for whatever reason I have to switch the ears on the first second third fourth for the vertigate as well just the way the rog lineup... Not flip the 1st 2nd 3rd 4th over but just switch them...20151107_173721.jpg 20151101_190335.jpg
I just took the shifter back out as I'm driving it on the street more and downshifting isn't as smooth. And for me being a tall guy the shifter gets in the way of my right foot going from the gas pedal to the brake (it's actually my right knee that gets pinned up against the shifter when I go from pedal to pedal). Which kind of becomes dangerous.. the bracket puts the shifter forward a couple inches and over towards the driver a couple inches and it doesn't swing out of the way like a normal shifter does...
If it was dedicated to the dragstrip I would leave it in there because I only have to take my foot off the gas and put it on the break once...