New member from Bay Area Ca

Welcome, also from Concord. I saw Morgan's closed about three or four weeks ago. Was it a COVID slowdown, or did he just decide to retire?
It was a combination of some unfortunate events, covid definitely had a part in it. The shop foreman got throat cancer and took some time off for treatment. He fully recovered after chemo and said he was going to come back but decided to retire instead and kinda pulled the carpet out from under Morgan. The machine shop was definitely the bread maker and the parts counter was a way to help support paying the bills. But with the head machinist calling it quits after 30 years Morgan couldn’t find anyone skilled enough to run the machines. So with all machine work stopped the parts counter alone couldn’t support the shop By itself. Then throw covid 19 Into that whole situation. Summit, jegs, and Amazon we’re always our biggest competitors but now with people being ordered to stay inside it was the cherry on top. So he decided to shut it down, retire and go camping with his dog. End of an era.