My 69 Dart "AKA" The Blue Mutt

well I got my parts only to find out I need more, but not a bad thing. turns out my hole was not stripped out, bolt just couldn't catch enough threads - this is a good thing but since Im a little neurotic I ordered the ARP bolts and they wont be here for a couple of days, the MC I ordered from Doc Diff came in which came with the 4 bolt to 2 bolt adapter, perfect, my extra Wilwood master cylinder will work, the pushrod is long enough with the rod couple but I ordered one just a little longer to have more thread engagement, also ordered the adjustable proportioning valve to go with the new MC, so more waiting on parts - all these extra parts should be in and Im on vacation next week so if the car is gonna run it will be running by labor day, also had time to check out why my temp gauge isnt working on my anniversary Mustang, bad switch, will go ahead and get all the other things wrapped up so Friday when I start my vacation I can just get started on installing stuff - wooohooo - seein some daylight hopefully

it looks like maybe the head has a helicoil in it already, threads don't start till almost a 1/4" down so I may of only had 1 or 2 threads, these are ARP manifold bolts with a UHL of 1.750, just not enough with the washer and the accelerator cable bracket, also not fully threaded, that may have worked
The MC is one I bough for my 66 Mustang, it has a 7/8" bore, there was a recall on them a couple of years ago and it got sent back to Wilwood for a rebuild, I was worried it would make it back in time so I ordered one with a 15/15" bore and installed, I actually like the 7/8" better, will see how it does on the Dart, if I don't like it I can change it later.
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