Got me a new hog today...

Compliments of Comet Kart sales

#35 Chain Pitch - 3/8" Pin Measurement Center to Center (35 Regular Chain is Narrow with no space between the roller and side plate, .390") (35 Space Chain is wider with space between the roller and side plate, .470", used mainly in racing applications)

#219 Chain Pitch - .300" Pin Measurement Center to Center

#40 Chain Pitch - 1/2" Pin Measurement Center to Center, Width .320" (Wider than #420 Chain)

#420 Chain Pitch - 1/2" Pin Measurement Center to Center, Width .250" (Skinnier than #40 Chain)

#428 Chain Pitch - 1/2" Pin Measurement Center to Center, Width .320" (428 Chain is the high end shifter kart chain)