Stop in for a cup of coffee

Strange day today...Got up this morning..(a good thing), went to a cars and coffee event in the Challenger..(a good thing). My wife and i came home, then a buddy and I worked on the Dart I have in the garage, trying to get it ready for paint..(a good thing). Then my son calls...he said the Duster just died....i think it got pretty hot...(a bad thing). I hopped in the truck and went to him. Couldnt get it to start and it was warmer than i would like by the gauge...(a bad thing). I go get the trailer and we load the car. We bring it to the house and for some strange reason it has no spark. I clean a connection near the bulk head and...BOOM it fires right off. Oil looks good, topped off the radiator and, all seems well...(a good thing).
Later, got cleaned up, took the wife out for dinner in the Challenger and, we cruised for a couple hours so, all in all a good day but, I'm going to need to do some more investigating on why the Duster got warm to begin with.


